• Question: have you ever made anything famous or sucesful

    Asked by niallmck11 to Aislinn, Fiona, Nathan, Padraic, Sinead on 10 Feb 2015.
    • Photo: Padraic Morrissey

      Padraic Morrissey answered on 10 Feb 2015:

      Hi Niall!
      I haven’t made anything famous or successful yet, but I hope that the lasers I am working with will eventually be used to make faster internet for everyone. If that happens I’d consider it a great success!!

    • Photo: Nathan Quinlan

      Nathan Quinlan answered on 10 Feb 2015:

      Right now I’m involved in the Geec, the Galway energy-efficient car, which has been on the telly – twice! It will compete in May in Rotterdam at a competition for ultra-efficient cars. I hope it will be successful as well as famous then.

    • Photo: Sinead Quirke

      Sinead Quirke answered on 10 Feb 2015:

      Hi Niall,

      I have never made anything famous but i ahve been able to influence the law makers to change some rules to make aviation safer for everyone.

    • Photo: Aislinn Coghlan

      Aislinn Coghlan answered on 11 Feb 2015:

      Hi Niall,

      It depends what you mean by famous. I made Cadbury’s heroes and roses. They are pretty famous – and delicious too!

      the new cancer drug we are making is set to change how we treat cancer. I think when this starts working for the Irish public it will be very famous too.
