• Question: In your last engineering project, what were some of the things that you spent the most time on?

    Asked by 573beb28 to Nathan, Aislinn on 31 Jan 2015. This question was also asked by 454beb47.
    • Photo: Nathan Quinlan

      Nathan Quinlan answered on 31 Jan 2015:

      Talking with other people on the team, programming, buying equipment, setting up software, writing reports, helping out in the lab….

    • Photo: Aislinn Coghlan

      Aislinn Coghlan answered on 2 Feb 2015:

      The things that you psend most time on in anything is people!

      As an engineer, you work with lots of different people that have different skills. For example, when building a car, you need a mechanical engineer to design the body, an electrical engineer to design the electrical systems, a chemical engineer to design the fuel and designer to make the car look attractive! The list is really endless.

      In order to make the most of a project, you need to motivate people to produce their best work and communicate your ideas and thoughts in a way that everyone understands. It is one of the thinsg i enjoy most about my job – all the different people!
