• Question: What do you enjoy most and least about engineering?

    Asked by 573beb28 to Aislinn, Fiona, Nathan, Padraic, Sinead on 30 Jan 2015. This question was also asked by My name is Jeff i was 21 about a week ago., cherry blossom, 282beb39, scienceisamazing, 242beb39, 284beb39, 329beb46, 242beb33, 449beb34, 322beb34, gravitygals.
    • Photo: Sinead Quirke

      Sinead Quirke answered on 30 Jan 2015:

      I love figuring out how to fix a problem. I’m not very good at technical drawing so when I didn’t have a computer to do the drawing this is what I disliked most.

    • Photo: Padraic Morrissey

      Padraic Morrissey answered on 31 Jan 2015:

      That’s a great question! As an engineer we always try to find solutions to problems and fix things. The most frustrating part of our job is when we can’t see the answer and it takes AGES to figure something out. But when you do figure it out, its really satisfying and enjoyable because it’s like you’re solving a big puzzle. So in a weird way the answer to both your questions is solving hard problems!

      Another great thing about engineering is that the work is very varied. No day is the same and you can do some really fun projects while working with great people.

    • Photo: Nathan Quinlan

      Nathan Quinlan answered on 31 Jan 2015:

      Most: figuring things out. Least: panicking to finish a piece of work on time!

    • Photo: Fiona Edwards Murphy

      Fiona Edwards Murphy answered on 2 Feb 2015:

      Most: The awesome feeling when I see something I’ve built or designed working for the first time.

      Least: Panic when a deadline is approaching!

    • Photo: Aislinn Coghlan

      Aislinn Coghlan answered on 2 Feb 2015:

      Most : When you hear stories of people who were told they couldn’t be cured, and given a short amount of time to live. Then they trialled some of our newer medicines and they are leading almost normal lives years later. Nothing quite beats that feeling.

      Least : Due to the nature of our products, it is very hard to change anything. You have to do years of studies to make sure the changes don’t damage the product and file for approval to all the countries all over again.
